http://www.rudecactus.com/archives/2005_01.html |
This fall as school started I was lucky to learn from an engaging speaker at a teacher inservice day. Alison Park (her company is called Blink Consulting) spoke with our k-12 faculty about diversity at independent schools and it was a valuable day. I remembered learning from Ms. Park at a CAIS workshop a couple of years ago and was excited to see her again. After her workshop, I subscribed to her blog,
Rethinking Diversity. This is actually one of the few non-librarian blogs I read, and I wanted to share it with all of you, especially because her thoughtful latest post,
Books for Middle Schoolers, and how relevant it is to our work.
Her blog posts are always clear, short, and thought provoking. In this post, Ms. Park asks us to consider,
What’s wrong with using “diverse” as code for “minority”?
Read it, and let me know what you think. Will it change how you view, describe, or make booklists?
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